Source code for trojai.modelgen.utils

import torch
import pkg_resources

[docs]def make_trojai_model_dict(model): """ Create a TrojAI approved dictionary specification of a PyTorch model for saving to a file. E.g. for a trained model 'model': save_dict = make_trojai_model_dict(model), filename) :param model: (torch.nn.Module) The desired model to be saved. :return: (dict) dictionary containing TrojAI approved information about the model, which can also be used for later loading the model. """ # TODO: implement trojai.__version__ and remove pkg_resources module return {"class_name": model.__class__.__name__, "trojai_version": pkg_resources.require("trojai")[0].version, "state_dict": model.state_dict()}
[docs]def resave_trojai_model_as_dict(file, new_loc=None): """ Load a fully serialized Pytorch model (i.e. whole model was saved instead of a specification) and save it as a TrojAI style dictionary specification. :param file: (str) Location of the file to re-save :param new_loc: (str) Where to save the file if replacing the original is not desired """ model = torch.load(file) model_dict = make_trojai_model_dict(model) if new_loc:, new_loc) else:, file)
[docs]def clamp(X, l, u, cuda=True): """ Clamps a tensor to lower bound l and upper bound u. :param X: the tensor to clamp. :param l: lower bound for the clamp. :param u: upper bound for the clamp. :param cuda: whether the tensor should be on the gpu. """ if type(l) is not torch.Tensor: if cuda: l = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(1).fill_(l) else: l = torch.FloatTensor(1).fill_(l) if type(u) is not torch.Tensor: if cuda: u = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(1).fill_(u) else: u = torch.FloatTensor(1).fill_(u) return torch.max(torch.min(X, u), l)
[docs]def get_uniform_delta(shape, eps, requires_grad=True): """ Generates a troch uniform random matrix of shape within +-eps. :param shape: the tensor shape to create. :param eps: the epsilon bounds 0+-eps for the uniform random tensor. :param requires_grad: whether the tensor requires a gradient. """ delta = torch.zeros(shape).cuda() delta.uniform_(-eps, eps) delta.requires_grad = requires_grad return delta