Source code for trojai.modelgen.uge_model_generator

from typing import Sequence, Union
import logging
import os
import math
import json
import subprocess
import copy
import tempfile

from .config import UGEConfig

from .model_generator_interface import ModelGeneratorInterface, validate_model_generator_interface_input
from .config import ModelGeneratorConfig

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

This file contains all the functionality needed to train models for a Univa Grid Engine (UGE) HPC cluster.

[docs]class UGEModelGenerator(ModelGeneratorInterface): """ Class which generates models utilizing a Univa Grid Engine """ def __init__(self, configs: Union[ModelGeneratorConfig, Sequence[ModelGeneratorConfig]], uge_config: UGEConfig, working_directory: str = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],"uge_model_generator"), validate_uge_dirs: bool = True): """ Initializes a UGE Model Generator :param configs: a ModelGeneratorConfig or a Sequence of ModelGeneratorConfig objects which define the models to be created :param uge_config: configuration object which specifies how the parallelization should be farmed across the UGE. :param working_directory: the directory where the scripts to be run will be stored, along with any objects that are persisted to carry out the parallelization. NOTE: this should be a directory that is replicated across the cluster (for example, sometimes /tmp is configured to not replicate across the cluster :param validate_uge_dirs: if True, the directory will be validated to ensure it doesn't begin with /tmp, for the reason that typically /tmp is not replicated across the cluster. """ super().__init__(configs) self.uge_config = uge_config if self.uge_config.multi_model_same_gpu: self.configs_expanded = self.configs else: self.configs_expanded = self.expand_modelgen_configs_to_process() self.working_directory = working_directory self.validate_uge_dirs = validate_uge_dirs self.validate()
[docs] def expand_modelgen_configs_to_process(self) -> Sequence[ModelGeneratorConfig]: """ Converts a sequence of ModelGeneratorConfig objects into another sequence of ModelGeneratorConfig objects such that each element in the sequence only creates one model. For example: Input: cfgs = [cfg1->num_models=1, cfg2->num_models=2]. len(cfgs)=2 Output: cfgs = [cfg1->num_models=1, cfg2->num_models=1, cfg2->num_models=1]. len(cfgs)=3 This is useful so that we can fully distribute all the models that need to be generated ######################################## NOTE: This will lead to multiple configs pointing to the same data on disk. I'm not sure if this is a problem for PyTorch or not, but this is something to investigate if unexpected results arise. ######################################## :return: expanded config configuration """ configs_expanded = [] for cfg in self.configs: num_models = cfg.num_models for model_idx in range(num_models): # make a copy of the object so that there are no memory conflicts among multiple jobs running cfg_copy = copy.deepcopy(cfg) cfg_copy.num_models = 1 configs_expanded.append(cfg_copy) return configs_expanded
[docs] def get_queue_numjobs_assignment(self) -> Sequence: """ Determine the number of jobs to give to each queue based on UGEConfig :return: a list of tuples, with each tuple containing the queue in index-0, and the number of jobs assigned to that queue in index-1 """ num_available_queues = len(self.uge_config.queues) num_jobs_to_process = len(self.configs_expanded) num_jobs_to_assign = num_jobs_to_process queue_numjobs_assignment = [] if self.uge_config.queue_distribution is None: num_jobs = math.ceil(num_jobs_to_process/num_available_queues) for q in self.uge_config.queues: if num_jobs_to_assign < num_jobs: num_jobs = num_jobs_to_assign queue_numjobs_assignment.append((q, num_jobs)) num_jobs_to_assign -= num_jobs if num_jobs_to_assign <= 0: break else: for ii, q in enumerate(self.uge_config.queues): desired_dist_value = self.uge_config.queue_distribution[ii] num_jobs = num_jobs_to_assign*desired_dist_value if num_jobs_to_assign < num_jobs: num_jobs = num_jobs_to_assign queue_numjobs_assignment.append((q, num_jobs)) num_jobs_to_assign -= num_jobs if num_jobs_to_assign <= 0: break return queue_numjobs_assignment
@staticmethod def _gen_py_script(pyscript_fname: str, pyscript_log_fname: str, modelgen_cfg_persist_fname: str, persist_metadata_fname: str, run_id: str = None, filename: str = None) -> None: """ Generate the Python script which will be used to :param pyscript_fname: name of the file which will have the Python script :param pyscript_log_fname: log filename where all Python program output will be captured :param modelgen_cfg_persist_fname: filename of where the configuration data will be persisted for distributing the job onto cluster nodes :param persist_metadata_fname: filename of where the configuration metadata will be persisted for distributing the job onto cluster nodes :param run_id: any specified run-id which will be passed to the Runner :param filename: any specified filename which will be passed to the runner :return: None """ with open(pyscript_fname, 'w') as f: f.write('''\ #!/usr/bin/env python import json import logging.config import trojai.modelgen.config as tpmc import trojai.modelgen.runner as tpmr # setup logger logging.config.dictConfig({ 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'detailed': { 'format': '[%%(asctime)s] %%(levelname)s in %%(module)s: %%(message)s', }, }, 'handlers': { 'file': { 'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', 'filename': '%s', 'maxBytes': 10 * 1024 * 1024, 'backupCount': 5, 'formatter': 'detailed', 'level': 'INFO', }, }, 'loggers': { 'trojai': { 'handlers': ['file'], }, 'trojai_private': { 'handlers': ['file'], }, }, 'root': { 'level': 'INFO', }, }) modelgen_cfg = tpmc.ModelGeneratorConfig.load("%s") with open("%s", 'r') as f: persist_metadata = json.load(f) run_cfg = tpmc.modelgen_cfg_to_runner_cfg(modelgen_cfg, run_id=%s, filename=%s) runner = tpmr.Runner(run_cfg, persist_metadata=persist_metadata, progress_bar_disable=True) ''' % (pyscript_log_fname, modelgen_cfg_persist_fname, persist_metadata_fname, run_id, filename)) @staticmethod def _gen_bash_script(bashscript_fname: str, pyscript_fname: str) -> None: """ Generates the bash script, which sets up the correct environment for each node and calls the generated Python script to generate the models :param bashscript_fname: the filename of the bash script to be generated :param pyscript_fname: the filename of the python script which will be called in the bash script :return: None """ pyscript_abs_path = os.path.abspath(pyscript_fname) with open(bashscript_fname, 'w') as f: f.write('''\ #!/bin/bash source /etc/profile.d/ module load cuda91 # setup conda environment . /cm/shared/apps/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/ conda activate trojai python3 %s ''' % (pyscript_abs_path,)) os.chmod(bashscript_fname, ALL_EXEC_PERMISSIONS) # give everyone read & execute permissions @staticmethod def _gen_bash_command(bashscript_fname: str, uge_log_fname: str, queue_name: str, gpu_node: bool = False, sync_mode: bool = False) -> str: """ Creates a UGE command to submit the job to the cluster for processing :param bashscript_fname: the bash script to run by the cluster :param uge_log_fname: a filename of any log messages captured by the UGE :param queue_name: the queue to submit the job to :param gpu_node: (bool) indicates whether the queue the job is being submitted to has GPU nodes :param sync_mode: if True, then the shell will be captured by this process. Currently unsupported! :return: (str) bash command """ # UGE job submit command example #qsub -q gpu-k40.q -l gpu=1 -V -v PATH -cwd -S /bin/bash -j y -sync y -o /home/karrak1/trojai/qsub.log cmd_list = list() cmd_list.append('qsub -q') cmd_list.append(queue_name) if gpu_node: cmd_list.append('-l gpu=1') cmd_list.append('-V -v PATH -cwd -S /bin/bash -j y') if sync_mode: cmd_list.append('-sync y') cmd_list.append('-o %s' % (uge_log_fname,)) # logging cmd_list.append(bashscript_fname) cmd = ' '.join(cmd_list) return cmd
[docs] def run(self, mock=False) -> None: """ Run's the actual UGE job. :param mock: if True, then it generates all the necessary scripts but doesn't execute the UGE command :return: None """ modelgen_cfgs_processed_idx = 0 queue_numjobs_assignment = self.get_queue_numjobs_assignment() for qj_assignment in queue_numjobs_assignment: queue = qj_assignment[0] num_jobs = qj_assignment[1] queue_subworking_dir_name = queue.queue_name for job_idx in range(num_jobs): # setup working directory for this job job_working_dir = str(job_idx) modelgen_cfg_to_schedule = self.configs_expanded[modelgen_cfgs_processed_idx] num_models_to_gen = modelgen_cfg_to_schedule.num_models for model_idx in range(num_models_to_gen): subjob_working_dir = os.path.join(self.working_directory, queue_subworking_dir_name, job_working_dir, str(model_idx)) try: os.makedirs(subjob_working_dir) except IOError as e: logger.exception(e) raise IOError(e) filename = None run_id = None if modelgen_cfg_to_schedule.filenames is not None: if isinstance(modelgen_cfg_to_schedule.filenames, str): filename = modelgen_cfg_to_schedule.filenames else: filename = modelgen_cfg_to_schedule.filenames[model_idx] elif modelgen_cfg_to_schedule.run_ids is not None: run_id = modelgen_cfg_to_schedule.run_ids[model_idx] # save a serialized version of the modelgen_config object to the working directory persist_cfg_fname = os.path.join(subjob_working_dir, 'persist_config') # save the experiment information as a persist_metadata to track results after persist_metadata_fname = os.path.join(subjob_working_dir, 'persist_metadata.json') persist_metadata = modelgen_cfg_to_schedule.experiment_cfg with open(persist_metadata_fname, 'w') as f: json.dump(persist_metadata, f) # setup filenames for the python & bash scripts which will be generated to distribute the processing pyscript_fname = os.path.join(subjob_working_dir, "") bashscript_fname = os.path.join(subjob_working_dir, "generate_model_" + queue.queue_name + "_" + str(job_idx) + "_" + str(model_idx) + ".sh") pyscript_log_fname = os.path.join(subjob_working_dir, "") uge_log_fname = os.path.join(subjob_working_dir, "log.txt") # create the python script that will run the actual model UGEModelGenerator._gen_py_script(pyscript_fname, pyscript_log_fname, persist_cfg_fname, persist_metadata_fname, run_id, filename) # create the bash script wrapper that will be passed to UGE UGEModelGenerator._gen_bash_script(bashscript_fname, pyscript_fname) # create the command that will be called to submit the job bash_cmd = UGEModelGenerator._gen_bash_command(bashscript_fname, uge_log_fname, queue.queue_name, queue.gpu_enabled, queue.sync_mode) # submit the job"submitting job with command: " + bash_cmd) if not mock: try:, shell=True, check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.exception(e) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(e) modelgen_cfgs_processed_idx += 1
[docs] def validate(self) -> None: """ Validate the input configuration """ validate_model_generator_interface_input(self.configs) if not isinstance(self.uge_config, UGEConfig): msg = "uge_queue_config must be of type UGEQueueConfig" logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) os_temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() if not isinstance(self.working_directory, str): msg = "working_directory must be a path to a directory that the UGEModelGenerator can use to submit jobs" logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) else: # check if the working directory is in /tmp, which is not replicated across the cluster and thus should # not be used if self.validate_uge_dirs: if self.working_directory.startswith(os_temp_dir): msg = os_temp_dir + " should not be used for the working directory because OS temp directories " \ "are typically not propagated throughout the cluster!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) try: os.makedirs(self.working_directory) except IOError as e: logger.exception(e) if not isinstance(self.validate_uge_dirs, bool): msg = "validate_uge_dirs must be a boolean!" logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) if self.validate_uge_dirs: for cfg in self.configs_expanded: if cfg.model_save_dir.startswith(os_temp_dir): msg = os_temp_dir + " should not be used as the directory for saving models because OS temp " \ "directories are typically not propagated throughout the cluster!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if cfg.stats_save_dir.startswith(os_temp_dir): msg = os_temp_dir + " should not be used as the directory for saving stats because OS temp " \ "directories are typically not propagated throughout the cluster!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)