Source code for trojai.modelgen.torchtext_optimizer

import logging
import os
from typing import Sequence, Any, Callable
import copy
import cloudpickle as pickle
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from import Iterator as TextDataIterator
from import BucketIterator
import torchtext
import torch.nn.utils.clip_grad as torch_clip_grad

from .datasets import CSVTextDataset
from .training_statistics import EpochStatistics, EpochTrainStatistics, EpochValidationStatistics
from .optimizer_interface import OptimizerInterface
from .default_optimizer import _running_eval_acc, _save_nandata, _validate_soft_to_hard_args
from .config import TorchTextOptimizerConfig
from .constants import VALID_OPTIMIZERS, MAX_EPOCHS

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TorchTextOptimizer(OptimizerInterface): """ An optimizer for training and testing LSTM models. Currently in a prototype state. """ def __init__(self, optimizer_cfg: TorchTextOptimizerConfig = None): """ Initializes the optimizer with an TorchTextOptimizerConfig :param optimizer_cfg: the configuration used to initialize the TorchTextOptimizer """ if optimizer_cfg is None:"Using default parameters to setup Optimizer!") self.optimizer_cfg = TorchTextOptimizerConfig() elif not isinstance(optimizer_cfg, TorchTextOptimizerConfig): msg = "optimizer_cfg must be of type TorchTextOptimizerConfig" logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) else: self.optimizer_cfg = optimizer_cfg # setup parameters for training here self.device = self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.device if not callable(self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.objective): self.loss_function_str = self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.objective.lower() if self.loss_function_str == "cross_entropy_loss": self.loss_function = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(**self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.objective_kwargs) elif self.loss_function_str == 'bcewithlogitsloss': self.loss_function = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(**self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.objective_kwargs) else: msg = self.loss_function_str + ": Unsupported objective function!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: self.loss_function = self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.objective = # setup learning rate scheduler if desired self.lr_scheduler = None self.optimizer_str = self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.optim.lower() self.optimizer = None self.optim_kwargs = self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.optim_kwargs self.batch_size = self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.batch_size self.num_epochs = self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.epochs self.save_best_model = self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.save_best_model self.str_description = "{'batch_size':%d, 'num_epochs':%d, 'device':'%s', 'lr':%.5e, 'loss_function':'%s', " \ "'optimizer':'%s'}" % \ (self.batch_size, self.num_epochs, self.device.type,, self.loss_function_str, self.optimizer_str) # setup configuration for logging and tensorboard self.num_batches_per_logmsg = self.optimizer_cfg.reporting_cfg.num_batches_per_logmsg self.num_epochs_per_metrics = self.optimizer_cfg.reporting_cfg.num_epochs_per_metrics self.num_batches_per_metrics = self.optimizer_cfg.reporting_cfg.num_batches_per_metrics # raise error if train/val split is not set properly for either saving best model # or for early stopping if self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.early_stopping or self.save_best_model: self.num_epochs_per_metrics = 1 logger.warning("Overriding num_epochs_per_metrics due to early-stopping or saving-best-model!") if self.device.type == 'cpu' and self.num_batches_per_metrics: logger.warning('Training will be VERY SLOW on a CPU with num_batches_per_val_dataset_metrics set to a ' 'value other than None. If validation dataset metrics are still desired, ' 'consider increasing this value to speed up training') tensorboard_output_dir = self.optimizer_cfg.reporting_cfg.tensorboard_output_dir self.tb_writer = None if tensorboard_output_dir: self.tb_writer = SummaryWriter(tensorboard_output_dir) optimizer_cfg_str = 'Optimizer[%s] Configured as: loss[%s], learning-rate[%.5e], batch-size[%d] ' \ 'num-epochs[%d] Device[%s]' % \ (self.optimizer_str, str(self.loss_function),, self.batch_size, self.num_epochs, self.device.type) reporting_cfg_str = 'Reporting Configured as: num_batches_per_log_message[%d] tensorboard_dir[%s]' % \ (self.num_batches_per_logmsg, tensorboard_output_dir) nbpm_print = self.num_batches_per_metrics if self.num_batches_per_metrics else -1 metrics_capture_str = 'Metrics capturing configured as: num_epochs_per_metric[%d] ' \ 'num_batches_per_epoch_per_metric[%d]' % \ (self.num_epochs_per_metrics, nbpm_print) def __str__(self): return self.str_description def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): optimizer_cfg_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.optimizer_cfg) # WARNING: this assumes that none of the derived attributes have been changed after construction! return TorchTextOptimizer(TorchTextOptimizerConfig(optimizer_cfg_copy.training_cfg, optimizer_cfg_copy.reporting_cfg)) def __eq__(self, other: Any): try: if self.optimizer_cfg == other.optimizer_cfg: # we still check the derived attributes to ensure that they remained the same after # after construction if self.device.type == other.device.type and self.loss_function_str == other.loss_function_str and \ == and self.optimizer_str == other.optimizer_str and \ self.batch_size == other.batch_size and self.num_epochs == other.num_epochs and \ self.str_description == other.str_description and \ self.num_batches_per_logmsg == other.num_batches_per_logmsg and \ self.num_epochs_per_metrics == other.num_epochs_per_metrics and \ self.num_batches_per_metrics == other.num_batches_per_metrics and \ self.tb_writer.log_dir == other.tb_writer.log_dir: return True else: return False except AttributeError: return False
[docs] def get_cfg_as_dict(self) -> dict: return self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.get_cfg_as_dict()
[docs] def get_device_type(self) -> str: """ :return: a string representing the device used to train the model """ return self.device.type
[docs] def save(self, fname: str) -> None: """ Saves the configuration object used to construct the TorchTextOptimizer. NOTE: because the TorchTextOptimizer object itself is not persisted, but rather the TorchTextOptimizerConfig object, the state of the object does not persist! :param fname: the filename to save the TorchTextOptimizer's configuration. """
[docs] @staticmethod def load(fname: str) -> OptimizerInterface: """ Reconstructs an TorchTextOptimizer, by loading the configuration used to construct the original TorchTextOptimizer, and then creating a new TorchTextOptimizer object from the saved configuration :param fname: The filename of the saved TorchTextOptimizer :return: an TorchTextOptimizer object """ with open(fname, 'rb') as f: loaded_optimzier_cfg = pickle.load(f) return TorchTextOptimizer(loaded_optimzier_cfg)
def _eval_loss_function(self, y_hat: torch.Tensor, y_truth: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Wrapper for evaluating the loss function to abstract out any data casting we need to do :param y_hat: the predicted y-value :param y_truth: the actual y-value :return: the loss associated w/ the prediction and actual """ if self.loss_function_str == "cross_entropy_loss": train_loss = self.loss_function(y_hat, y_truth.long()) else: train_loss = self.loss_function(y_hat, y_truth) return train_loss
[docs] @staticmethod def train_val_dataset_split(dataset:, split_amt: float, val_data_transform: Callable, val_label_transform: Callable) \ -> (, """ Splits a torchtext dataset (of type: into train/test. NOTE: although this has the same functionality as default_optimizer.train_val_dataset_split, it works with a object rather than TODO: [ ] - specify random seed to torch splitter :param dataset: the dataset to be split :param split_amt: fraction specificing the validation dataset size relative to the whole. 1-split_amt will be the size of the training dataset :param val_data_transform: (function: any -> any) how to transform the validation data to fit into the desired model and objective function :param val_label_transform: (function: any -> any) how to transform the validation labels :return: a tuple of the train and validation datasets """ if split_amt < 0 or split_amt > 1: msg = "Dataset split amount must be between 0 and 1" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if np.isclose(split_amt, 0.): train_dataset = dataset val_dataset = None else: train_dataset, val_dataset = dataset.split(1 - split_amt) val_dataset.data_transform = val_data_transform val_dataset.label_transform = val_label_transform return train_dataset, val_dataset
@staticmethod def _eval_acc(data_loader, model, device=torch.device('cpu'), soft_to_hard_fn: Callable = None, soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs: dict = None, loss_fn: Callable = None): """ Evaluates a model against a dataset encompassed by a data loader, which has an underlying torchtext dataset. The functionality is the same as default_optimizer._eval_acc, but used for torchtext.utils.Dataset rather than a """ soft_to_hard_fn, soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs = _validate_soft_to_hard_args(soft_to_hard_fn, soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs) n_correct = None n_total = None model.eval() total_val_loss = 0. with torch.no_grad(): for val_batch_idx, batch in enumerate(data_loader): if model.packed_padded_sequences: text, text_lengths = batch.text x = (text, text_lengths) predictions = model(text, text_lengths).squeeze(1) else: x = batch.text predictions = model(batch.text).squeeze(1) if loss_fn is not None: loss_tensor = loss_fn(predictions, batch.label) batch_loss = loss_tensor.item() total_val_loss += batch_loss running_acc, n_total, n_correct = _running_eval_acc(predictions, batch.label, n_total=n_total, n_correct=n_correct, soft_to_hard_fn=soft_to_hard_fn, soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs=soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs) if (loss_fn is not None and np.isnan(batch_loss)) or np.isnan(running_acc): _save_nandata(x, predictions, batch.label, loss_tensor, batch_loss, running_acc, n_total, n_correct, model) total_val_loss /= float(len(data_loader)) return running_acc, n_total, n_correct, total_val_loss
[docs] def convert_dataset_to_dataiterator(self, dataset: CSVTextDataset, batch_size: int=None) -> TextDataIterator: # NOTE: we use the argument drop_last for the DataLoader (used for the CSVDataset), but no such argument # exists for the BucketIterator. TODO: test whether this might become a problem. if not batch_size: batch_size_in = self.batch_size else: batch_size_in = batch_size return BucketIterator(dataset, batch_size_in, device=self.device, sort_within_batch=True)
[docs] def train(self, net: torch.nn.Module, dataset: CSVTextDataset, progress_bar_disable: bool = False, torch_dataloader_kwargs: dict = None) -> (torch.nn.Module, Sequence[EpochStatistics], int): """ Train the network. :param net: the model to train :param dataset: the dataset to train the network on :param progress_bar_disable: if True, disables the progress bar :param torch_dataloader_kwargs: additional arguments to pass to PyTorch's DataLoader class :return: the trained network, list of EpochStatistics objects, and the # of epochs on which teh net was trained """ net = net.train() # put network into training mode if self.optimizer_str == 'adam': self.optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(),, **self.optim_kwargs) elif self.optimizer_str == 'sgd': self.optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(),, **self.optim_kwargs) elif self.optimizer_str not in VALID_OPTIMIZERS: msg = self.optimizer_str + " is not a supported optimizer!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = self.optimizer_str + " not yet implemented!" logger.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) if self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.lr_scheduler is not None: self.lr_scheduler = self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.lr_scheduler(self.optimizer, **self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.lr_scheduler_init_kwargs) # split into train & validation datasets, and setup data loaders according to their type train_dataset, val_dataset = TorchTextOptimizer.train_val_dataset_split(dataset, self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.train_val_split, self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.val_data_transform, self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.val_label_transform) train_loader = self.convert_dataset_to_dataiterator(train_dataset) val_loader = self.convert_dataset_to_dataiterator(val_dataset) if val_dataset else [] # before training - we should transfer the embedding to the model weights if desired by the user if self.optimizer_cfg.copy_pretrained_embeddings: if hasattr(net, 'embedding'): pretrained_embeddings = dataset.text_field.vocab.vectors # get the indices in the embedding which correspond to the UNK and the PAD characters UNK_IDX = dataset.text_field.vocab.stoi[dataset.text_field.unk_token] PAD_IDX = dataset.text_field.vocab.stoi[dataset.text_field.pad_token] # UNK_IDX and PAD_IDX are initialized to a N(0,1) distribution, per our arguments to the build_vocab function # but we zero it out. # Per: # it is better to do this to train the model to konw that pad and unk are irrelevant in the classification task[UNK_IDX] = torch.zeros(net.embedding_dim)[PAD_IDX] = torch.zeros(net.embedding_dim) else: msg = "Cannot copy pretrained embeddings to network which doesn't have an attribute 'embedding'!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # use validation in training? provide as option? epoch_stats = [] best_net = None best_validation_acc = -999 best_val_loss = np.inf best_val_loss_epoch = -1 num_epochs_to_monitor = 1 if self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.early_stopping: num_epochs_to_monitor = self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.early_stopping.num_epochs epoch = 0 done = False while not done: train_stats, validation_stats = self.train_epoch(net, train_loader, val_loader, epoch, progress_bar_disable=progress_bar_disable) epoch_training_stats = EpochStatistics(epoch, train_stats, validation_stats) epoch_stats.append(epoch_training_stats) # TODO: save best model should use same criterion as early stopping (val-loss rather than val-acc)? if self.save_best_model: # use validation accuracy as the metric for deciding the best model if validation_stats.get_val_acc() >= best_validation_acc: msg = "Updating best model with epoch:[%d] accuracy[%0.02f]. Previous best validation " \ "accuracy was: %0.02f" % (epoch, validation_stats.get_val_acc(), best_validation_acc) best_net = copy.deepcopy(net) best_validation_acc = validation_stats.get_val_acc() # early stopping # record the val loss of the last batch in the epoch. if N epochs after the best val_loss, we have not # improved the val-loss by atleast eps, we quit if self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.early_stopping: # EarlyStoppingConfig validates that eps > 0 as well .. if validation_stats.get_val_loss() < ( best_val_loss - np.abs(self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.early_stopping.val_loss_eps)): best_val_loss = validation_stats.get_val_loss() best_val_loss_epoch = epoch best_net = copy.deepcopy(net)'EarlyStopping - NewBest >> best_val_loss:%0.04f best_val_loss_epoch:%d' % (best_val_loss, best_val_loss_epoch)) elif epoch >= (best_val_loss_epoch + num_epochs_to_monitor): epoch += 1 # we do this b/c of the break to keep the accounting of epoch # returned to # the user to be one based msg = "Exiting training loop in epoch: %d - due to early stopping criterion being met!" \ % (epoch,) logger.warning(msg) done = True epoch += 1 if self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.early_stopping: # in case something goes wrong, we exit after training a long time ... if epoch >= MAX_EPOCHS: done = True else: if epoch >= self.num_epochs: done = True if self.save_best_model or self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.early_stopping: return best_net, epoch_stats, epoch, best_val_loss_epoch else: return net, epoch_stats, epoch, best_val_loss_epoch
[docs] def train_epoch(self, model: nn.Module, train_loader: TextDataIterator, val_loader: TextDataIterator, epoch_num: int, progress_bar_disable: bool = False): """ Runs one epoch of training on the specified model :param model: the model to train for one epoch :param train_loader: a DataLoader object pointing to the training dataset :param val_loader: a DataLoader object pointing to the validation dataset :param epoch_num: the epoch number that is being trained :param progress_bar_disable: if True, disables the progress bar :return: a list of statistics for batches where statistics were computed """ pid = os.getpid() train_dataset_len = len(train_loader.dataset) loop = tqdm(train_loader, disable=progress_bar_disable) train_n_correct, train_n_total = None, None val_n_correct, val_n_total = None, None sum_batchmean_train_loss = 0 running_train_acc = 0 num_batches = len(train_loader) # put network into training mode model.train() for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(loop): # zero out previous gradient computations self.optimizer.zero_grad() # get predictions based on input & weights learned so far if model.packed_padded_sequences: text, text_lengths = batch.text x = (text, text_lengths) predictions = model(text, text_lengths).squeeze(1) else: x = batch.text predictions = model(batch.text).squeeze(1) # compute metrics batch_train_loss = self._eval_loss_function(predictions, batch.label) sum_batchmean_train_loss += batch_train_loss.item() running_train_acc, train_n_total, train_n_correct = \ _running_eval_acc(predictions, batch.label, n_total=train_n_total, n_correct=train_n_correct, soft_to_hard_fn=self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.soft_to_hard_fn, soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs=self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs) if np.isnan(sum_batchmean_train_loss) or np.isnan(running_train_acc): _save_nandata(x, predictions, batch.label, batch_train_loss, sum_batchmean_train_loss, running_train_acc, train_n_total, train_n_correct, model) # compute gradient batch_train_loss.backward() # perform gradient clipping if configured if self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.clip_grad: if self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.clip_type == 'norm': # clip_grad_norm_ modifies gradients in place # see: torch_clip_grad.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.clip_val, **self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.clip_kwargs) elif self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.clip_type == 'val': # clip_grad_val_ modifies gradients in place # see: torch_clip_grad.clip_grad_value_(model.parameters(), self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.clip_val) else: msg = "Unknown clipping type for gradient clipping!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.optimizer.step() loop.set_description('Epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch_num + 1, self.num_epochs)) loop.set_postfix(avg_train_loss=batch_train_loss.item()) # report batch statistics to tensorboard if self.tb_writer: try: batch_num = int(epoch_num * num_batches + batch_idx) self.tb_writer.add_scalar(self.optimizer_cfg.reporting_cfg.experiment_name + '-train_loss', batch_train_loss.item(), global_step=batch_num) self.tb_writer.add_scalar(self.optimizer_cfg.reporting_cfg.experiment_name + '-running_train_acc', running_train_acc, global_step=batch_num) except: # TODO: catch specific exceptions! pass if batch_idx % self.num_batches_per_logmsg == 0:'{}\tTrain Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\tTrainLoss: {:.6f}\tTrainAcc: {:.6f}'.format( pid, epoch_num, batch_idx * len(batch), train_dataset_len, 100. * batch_idx / num_batches, batch_train_loss.item(), running_train_acc)) train_stats = EpochTrainStatistics(running_train_acc, sum_batchmean_train_loss / float(num_batches)) # if we have validation data, we compute on the validation dataset validation_stats = None num_val_batches = len(val_loader) if num_val_batches > 0:'Running validation') val_acc, _, _, val_loss = TorchTextOptimizer._eval_acc(val_loader, model, device=self.device, soft_to_hard_fn=self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.soft_to_hard_fn, soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs=self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs, loss_fn=self._eval_loss_function) validation_stats = EpochValidationStatistics(val_acc, val_loss, None, None)'{}\tTrain Epoch: {} \tValLoss: {:.6f}\tValAcc: {:.6f}'.format( pid, epoch_num, val_loss, val_acc)) if self.tb_writer: try: batch_num = int((epoch_num + 1) * num_batches) self.tb_writer.add_scalar(self.optimizer_cfg.reporting_cfg.experiment_name + '-validation_loss', val_loss, global_step=batch_num) self.tb_writer.add_scalar(self.optimizer_cfg.reporting_cfg.experiment_name + '-validation_acc', val_acc, global_step=batch_num) except: # TODO: catch specific exceptions! pass # update the lr-scheduler if necessary if self.lr_scheduler is not None: if self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.lr_scheduler_call_arg is None: self.lr_scheduler.step() elif self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.lr_scheduler_call_arg.lower() == 'val_acc': if num_val_batches > 0: # this check ensures that this variable is defined self.lr_scheduler.step(val_acc) else: msg = "val_acc not defined b/c validation dataset is not defined! Ignoring LR step!" logger.warning(msg) elif self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.lr_scheduler_call_arg.lower() == 'val_loss': if num_val_batches > 0: self.lr_scheduler.step(val_loss) else: msg = "val_loss not defined b/c validation dataset is not defined! Ignoring LR step!" logger.warning(msg) else: msg = "Unknown mode for calling lr_scheduler!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return train_stats, validation_stats
[docs] def test(self, model: nn.Module, clean_data: CSVTextDataset, triggered_data: CSVTextDataset, clean_test_triggered_labels_data: CSVTextDataset, progress_bar_disable: bool = False, torch_dataloader_kwargs: dict = None) -> dict: """ Test the trained network :param model: the trained module to run the test data through :param clean_data: the clean Dataset :param triggered_data: the triggered Dataset, if None, not computed :param clean_test_triggered_labels_data: triggered part of the training dataset but with correct labels; see DataManger.load_data for more information. :param progress_bar_disable: if True, disables the progress bar :param torch_dataloader_kwargs: additional arguments to pass to PyTorch's DataLoader class :return: a dictionary of the statistics on the clean and triggered data (if applicable) """ test_data_statistics = {} model.eval() # setup for test data batch-size = 1, so that we don't drop last batch if it does not fit fully into a batch # see: data_loader = self.convert_dataset_to_dataiterator(clean_data, 1) test_acc, test_n_total, _, _ = TorchTextOptimizer._eval_acc(data_loader, model, device=self.device, soft_to_hard_fn=self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.soft_to_hard_fn, soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs=self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs, loss_fn=None) test_data_statistics['clean_accuracy'] = test_acc test_data_statistics['clean_n_total'] = test_n_total"Accuracy on clean test data: %0.02f" % (test_data_statistics['clean_accuracy'],)) if triggered_data is None: return test_data_statistics # setup for test data batch-size = 1, so that we don't drop last batch if it does not fit fully into a batch # see: data_loader = self.convert_dataset_to_dataiterator(triggered_data, 1) test_acc, test_n_total, _, _ = TorchTextOptimizer._eval_acc(data_loader, model, device=self.device, soft_to_hard_fn=self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.soft_to_hard_fn, soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs=self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs, loss_fn=None) test_data_statistics['triggered_accuracy'] = test_acc test_data_statistics['triggered_n_total'] = test_n_total"Accuracy on triggered test data: %0.02f" % (test_data_statistics['triggered_accuracy'],)) # Test the classification accuracy on clean data for labels which have corresponding triggered examples. # For example, if an MNIST dataset was created with triggered examples only for labels 4 and 5, # then this dataset is the subset of data with labels 4 and 5 that don't have the triggers. data_loader = self.convert_dataset_to_dataiterator(clean_test_triggered_labels_data, 1) test_acc, test_n_total, _, _ = TorchTextOptimizer._eval_acc(data_loader, model, device=self.device, soft_to_hard_fn=self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.soft_to_hard_fn, soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs=self.optimizer_cfg.training_cfg.soft_to_hard_fn_kwargs, loss_fn=None) test_data_statistics['clean_test_triggered_label_accuracy'] = test_acc test_data_statistics['clean_test_triggered_label_n_total'] = test_n_total"Accuracy on clean-data-triggered-labels: %0.02f for n=%s" % (test_data_statistics['clean_test_triggered_label_accuracy'], str(test_n_total))) return test_data_statistics