Source code for trojai.datagen.xform_merge_pipeline

import logging
import os
from typing import Sequence

import cv2
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.random import RandomState
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from tqdm import tqdm
import math

import trojai.datagen.utils as utils
from .config import XFormMergePipelineConfig
from .constants import RANDOM_STATE_DRAW_LIMIT
from .entity import Entity
from .image_entity import GenericImageEntity
from .text_entity import GenericTextEntity
from .merge_interface import Merge
from .pipeline import Pipeline
from .transform_interface import Transform

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Defines all functions and classes related to the transform+merge pipeline & data movement paradigm.

[docs]def subset_clean_df_by_labels(df, labels_to_include): """ Subsets a dataframe with an expected column 'label', to only keep rows which are in that list of labels to include :param df: the dataframe to subset :param labels_to_include: a list of labels to include, or a string 'all' indicating that everything should be kept :return: the subsetted data frame """ if labels_to_include == 'all': return df else: if isinstance(labels_to_include, df_subset_list = [] for c in labels_to_include: df_subset_list.append(df[df['label'] == c]) return pd.concat(df_subset_list, ignore_index=True) else: msg = "the argument to subset the data that is modified must either be list of labels, or the string 'all'" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def modify_clean_image_dataset(clean_dataset_rootdir: str, clean_csv_file: str, output_rootdir: str, output_subdir: str, mod_cfg: XFormMergePipelineConfig, method: str = 'insert', random_state_obj: RandomState = RandomState(1234)) -> None: """ Modifies a clean dataset given a configuration :param clean_dataset_rootdir: root directory where the clean data lives :param clean_csv_file: filename of the CSV file which contains information about the clean data The modification method determines which columns and information are expected in the CSV file. :param output_rootdir: root directory where the modified data will be stored :param output_subdir: subdirectory where the modified data will be stored. This is expected to be one level below the root-directory, and can prove useful if different types of modifications are stored in different subdirectories under the main root directory. An example tree structure might be: root_data - modification_1 ... data ... - modification_2 ... data ... :param mod_cfg: A configuration object for creating a modified dataset :param method: Can be "insert" only/ In the insert method, the function takes the clean image, and inserts a specified Entity (likely, a pattern) into the clean image. Additional modes to be added! :param random_state_obj: RandomState object to ensure reproduciblity of dataset :return: None """ try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_rootdir, output_subdir)) except FileExistsError: pass # read in clean dataset clean_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(clean_dataset_rootdir, clean_csv_file)) clean_df = subset_clean_df_by_labels(clean_df, mod_cfg.triggered_classes) # identify which images will have triggers inserted into them random_state = random_state_obj.get_state() if mod_cfg.per_class_trigger_frac is not None: try: trigger_data, _ = train_test_split(clean_df, train_size=mod_cfg.per_class_trigger_frac, random_state=random_state_obj, stratify=clean_df['label']) except ValueError as e: logger.exception(e) raise ValueError(e) else: trigger_data = clean_df # reset random state to be ensure reproduciblity regardless of # of splits random_state_obj.set_state(random_state) # generate the same # of triggers according to the configuration num_triggers = len(trigger_data) trigger_source_list = mod_cfg.trigger_list # run the xform function for each image & trigger combination for ii in tqdm(range(num_triggers), desc='Modifying Clean Dataset ...'): # select the trigger if trigger_source_list is not None and len(trigger_source_list) != 0: trigger = random_state_obj.choice(trigger_source_list, p=mod_cfg.trigger_sampling_prob) else: trigger = None img_random_state = RandomState(random_state_obj.randint(RANDOM_STATE_DRAW_LIMIT)) if method.lower() == 'insert': fp = trigger_data.iloc[ii]['file'] try: mask_fp = trigger_data.iloc[ii]['mask'] mask = np.load(mask_fp) except KeyError: mask = None # load the background image bg = GenericImageEntity(cv2.imread(os.path.join(clean_dataset_rootdir, fp), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED), mask) bg_xforms = mod_cfg.trigger_bg_xforms fg = trigger fg_xforms = mod_cfg.trigger_xforms merge_obj = mod_cfg.trigger_bg_merge postproc_xforms = mod_cfg.trigger_bg_merge_xforms # process data through the pipeline pipeline_obj = XFormMerge([[bg_xforms, fg_xforms]], [merge_obj], postproc_xforms) modified_img = pipeline_obj.process([bg, fg], img_random_state) logger.debug("Inserted trigger=%s into image=%s" % (str(fg), str(bg))) elif method.lower() == 'regenerate': # TODO: NOTE: this needs to be an absolute path! # do a check to ensure the user provided absolute paths! bg_fp = trigger_data.iloc[ii]['bg_file'] fg_fp = trigger_data.iloc[ii]['fg_file'] try: bg_mask_fp = trigger_data.iloc[ii]['bg_mask'] bg_mask = np.load(bg_mask_fp) except KeyError: bg_mask = None try: fg_mask_fp = trigger_data.iloc[ii]['fg_mask'] fg_mask = np.load(fg_mask_fp) except KeyError: fg_mask = None # load images into memory obj1 = GenericImageEntity(cv2.imread(fg_fp, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED), fg_mask) obj2 = trigger obj3 = GenericImageEntity(cv2.imread(bg_fp, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED), bg_mask) obj1_xforms = mod_cfg.trigger_bg_xforms obj2_xforms = mod_cfg.trigger_xforms obj12_merge = mod_cfg.trigger_bg_merge obj12_xforms = mod_cfg.trigger_bg_merge_xforms obj3_xforms = mod_cfg.overall_bg_xforms obj123_merge = mod_cfg.overall_bg_triggerbg_merge obj123_xforms = mod_cfg.overall_bg_triggerbg_xforms if obj2 is None: # obj3 is the background, obj1 is the sign (without a point trigger) pipeline_obj = XFormMerge([[obj3_xforms, obj1_xforms]], [obj123_merge], obj123_xforms) modified_img = pipeline_obj.process([obj3, obj1], img_random_state)"Regenerated by merge of : ((%s, %s)" % (str(obj1), str(obj3))) else: # get the necessary configurations from mod_cfg # push data through pipeline pipeline_obj = XFormMerge([[obj1_xforms, obj2_xforms], [obj3_xforms, obj12_xforms]], [obj12_merge, obj123_merge], obj123_xforms) modified_img = pipeline_obj.process([obj1, obj2, obj3], img_random_state)"Regenerated by cascading merge of : ((%s, %s), %s)" % (str(obj1), str(obj2), str(obj3))) else: msg = "Unknown/unimplemented data modification method!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) output_fname = os.path.basename(trigger_data.iloc[ii]['file']) output_filename_fullpath = os.path.join(output_rootdir, output_subdir, output_fname) cv2.imwrite(output_filename_fullpath, modified_img.get_data())
[docs]def modify_clean_text_dataset(clean_dataset_rootdir: str, clean_csv_file: str, output_rootdir: str, output_subdir: str, mod_cfg: XFormMergePipelineConfig, method='insert', random_state_obj: RandomState = RandomState(1234)) -> None: """ Modifies a clean image dataset given a configuration :param clean_dataset_rootdir: root directory where the clean data lives :param clean_csv_file: filename of the CSV file which contains information about the clean data The modification method determines which columns and information are expected in the CSV file. :param output_rootdir: root directory where the modified data will be stored :param output_subdir: subdirectory where the modified data will be stored. This is expected to be one level below the root-directory, and can prove useful if different types of modifications are stored in different subdirectories under the main root directory. An example tree structure might be: root_data - modification_1 ... data ... - modification_2 ... data ... :param mod_cfg: A configuration object for creating a modified dataset :param method: Can only be "insert" In the insert method, the function takes the clean text blurb, and inserts a specified TextEntity (likely, a pattern) into the first text input object. :param random_state_obj: RandomState object to ensure reproduciblity of dataset :return: None """ try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_rootdir, output_subdir)) except FileExistsError: pass # read in clean dataset clean_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(clean_dataset_rootdir, clean_csv_file)) clean_df = subset_clean_df_by_labels(clean_df, mod_cfg.triggered_classes) # identify which images will have triggers inserted into them random_state = random_state_obj.get_state() if mod_cfg.per_class_trigger_frac is not None: trigger_data, _ = train_test_split(clean_df, train_size=mod_cfg.per_class_trigger_frac, random_state=random_state_obj, stratify=clean_df['label']) else: trigger_data = clean_df # reset random state to be ensure reproduciblity regardless of # of splits random_state_obj.set_state(random_state) # generate the same # of triggers according to the configuration num_triggers = len(trigger_data) trigger_source_list = mod_cfg.trigger_list # run the xform function for each image & trigger combination for ii in tqdm(range(num_triggers), desc='Modifying Clean Dataset ...'): # select the trigger if trigger_source_list is not None and len(trigger_source_list) != 0: trigger = random_state_obj.choice(trigger_source_list, p=mod_cfg.trigger_sampling_prob) else: trigger = None txt_random_state = RandomState(random_state_obj.randint(RANDOM_STATE_DRAW_LIMIT)) if method.lower() == 'insert': # load the data fp = trigger_data.iloc[ii]['file'] with open(fp, 'r') as fo: bg = GenericTextEntity('\n', '')) # setup trigger fg = trigger bg_xforms = mod_cfg.trigger_bg_xforms fg_xforms = mod_cfg.trigger_xforms merge_obj = mod_cfg.trigger_bg_merge postproc_xforms = mod_cfg.trigger_bg_merge_xforms # process data through the pipeline pipeline_obj = XFormMerge([[bg_xforms, fg_xforms]], [merge_obj], postproc_xforms) modified_text = pipeline_obj.process([bg, fg], txt_random_state) logger.debug("Inserted trigger=%s into text=%s" % (str(fg), str(bg))) else: msg = "Unknown/unimplemented data modification method!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) output_fname = os.path.join(output_rootdir, output_subdir, os.path.basename(fp)) with open(output_fname, 'w+') as f: f.write(modified_text.get_text())
[docs]class XFormMerge(Pipeline): """ Implements a pipeline which is a series of cascading transform and merge operations. The following diagram shows 4 objects as a series of serial transforms + merges. Each pair of transformations is considered a "stage", and stages are processed in serial fashion. In the diagram below, the data that each stage processes is: Stage1: obj1, obj2 Stage2: Stage1_output, obj3 Stage3: Stage2_output, obj4 This extends in the obvious way to more objects, depending on how deep the pipeline is. obj1 --> xform obj3 --> xform obj4 --> xform \ \ \ + --> xform --> + --> xform --> + --> xform output / obj2 --> xform """ def __init__(self, xform_list: Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[Transform]]], merge_list: Sequence[Merge], final_xforms: Sequence[Transform] = None) -> None: """ Create the pipeline object :param xform_list: Is a list of list of length 2, where each element is a list of Transform objects. For example: [[Xform1_List, Xform2_List], [Xform3_List, Xform4_List], ... ] Each stage of the Xform/Merge has a pair of transforms associated with it. The first index into xform_list corresponds to the stage of the Xform/Merge, and the 2nd index corresponds to which object gets which transformation. [i][0] is used by the raw data [i][1] is used by the processed data from the previous stage, except in the first stage, where the second raw image uses this transformation list :param merge_list: a list of Merge objects, where each index corresponds to the merge operation for that index's stage :param final_xforms: a list of final Transform objects """ self.xform_list = xform_list self.merge_list = merge_list if final_xforms is None: self.final_xforms = [] else: self.final_xforms = final_xforms @staticmethod def _process_two(bg: Entity, bg_xforms: Sequence[Transform], fg: Entity, fg_xforms: Sequence[Transform], merge_obj: Merge, random_state_obj: RandomState) -> Entity: """ Implements the following pipeline: bg --> xform \ + --> output / fg --> xform :param bg: Entity corresponding to "bg" in the diagram above :param bg_xforms: a sequence of transforms to be applied to the bg Entity :param fg: Entity corresponding to the "fg" in the diagram above :param fg_xforms: a sequence of transforms to be applied to the fg Entity :param merge_obj: a Merge object which corresponds to the "+" in the diagram above, and combines the two transformed objects :param random_state_obj: a random state to pass to the transforms and merge operation to ensure reproducibility of Entities produced by the pipeline :return: the Merged Entity according to the pipeline specification """ if not isinstance(merge_obj, Merge): msg = "merge_obj argument must be of type: trojai.datagen.Merge" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # perform some additional validation if bg is None and fg is None: msg = "Two None objects passing through the pipeline is an undefined operation!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) elif bg is not None and fg is None: bg_processed = utils.process_xform_list(bg, bg_xforms, random_state_obj) logger.warning("Provided FG data is empty, only processing BG and returning without merge!") return bg_processed elif bg is None and fg is not None: fg_processed = utils.process_xform_list(fg, fg_xforms, random_state_obj) logger.warning("Provided BG data is empty, only processing FG and returning without merge!") return fg_processed else: # process the background & foreground images bg_processed = utils.process_xform_list(bg, bg_xforms, random_state_obj) fg_processed = utils.process_xform_list(fg, fg_xforms, random_state_obj) merged_data_obj =, fg_processed, random_state_obj) logger.debug("Processed BG and FG and merged!") return merged_data_obj
[docs] def process(self, imglist: Sequence[Entity], random_state_obj: RandomState) -> Entity: """ Processes the provided objects according to the Xform->Merge->Xform paradigm. :param imglist: a sequence of Entity objects to be processed according to the pipeline :param random_state_obj: a random state to pass to the transforms and merge operation to ensure reproducibility of Entities produced by the pipeline :return: the modified & combined Entity object """ if len(imglist) < 2: raise ValueError("Need atleast 2 objects to process in a pipeline!") num_merges = len(imglist)-1 num_expected_xforms = math.ceil(len(imglist)/2) if len(self.xform_list) != num_expected_xforms: msg = "Expected " + str(num_expected_xforms) + " xform(s) for " + str(num_expected_xforms) + " stage(s)!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if len(self.merge_list) != num_merges: msg = "Expected " + str(num_merges) + " merge object(s)!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) for xl in self.xform_list: if len(xl) != 2: msg = "Expected 2 xforms per merge operation!" logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # process the data through the pipeline z = None for imglist_idx in range(1, len(imglist)): mergeobj_idx = imglist_idx-1 if imglist_idx == 1: merge_input1 = imglist[0] merge_input2 = imglist[imglist_idx] else: merge_input1 = imglist[imglist_idx] merge_input2 = z merge_input1_xforms = self.xform_list[mergeobj_idx][0] merge_input2_xforms = self.xform_list[mergeobj_idx][1] z = XFormMerge._process_two(merge_input1, merge_input1_xforms, merge_input2, merge_input2_xforms, self.merge_list[mergeobj_idx], random_state_obj) logger.debug("XFormMerged input images") # process the final xform z_final = utils.process_xform_list(z, self.final_xforms, random_state_obj) return z_final