Source code for trojai.datagen.pipeline

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Iterable

from numpy.random import RandomState

from .entity import Entity

Defines a generic Pipeline object.  

[docs]class Pipeline(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ A pipeline is a composition of Entities, Transforms, and Merges to produce an output Entity """
[docs] @abstractmethod def process(self, imglist: Iterable[Entity], random_state_obj: RandomState) -> Entity: """ The method which executes the pipeline, moving data through each of Transform & Merge objects, with data flow being defined by the implementation. :param imglist: A list of Entity objects to be processed by the Pipeline :param random_state_obj: a random state to pass to the transforms and merge operation to ensure reproducibility of Entities produced by the pipeline :return: The output of the pipeline """ pass