Source code for trojai.datagen.instagram_xforms

from trojai.datagen.image_entity import GenericImageEntity, ImageEntity
from trojai.datagen.transform_interface import ImageTransform
from trojai.datagen.image_conversion_utils import normalization_to_rgb, normalization_from_rgb

import wand.image
import wand.color
import wand.drawing
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import RandomState
import cv2

import math
from abc import abstractmethod
from io import BytesIO

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FilterXForm(ImageTransform): """ Create filter xform, if no channel order is specified it is assumed to be in BGR order (opencv default), this refers only to the first 3 channels of input data as the alpha channel is handled independently """ def __init__(self, channel_order: str = 'BGR', pre_normalize: bool = True, post_normalize: bool = True): self.valid_channel_orders = {'BGR', 'RGB'} if channel_order not in self.valid_channel_orders: raise ValueError("Unknown channel order specified for %s!" " Valid options are %s!" % (self.__repr__(), str(self.valid_channel_orders))) self.channel_order = channel_order self.pre_normalize = pre_normalize self.post_normalize = post_normalize """ Abstract class containing wand interface functionality common to all filter transforms """
[docs] @abstractmethod def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image: """ subclass defined function to be called by do :param image: wand Image to be filtered :return: filtered wand Image """ pass
[docs] def do(self, input_obj: ImageEntity, random_state_obj: RandomState) -> ImageEntity: """ Compresses 3-channel image input image as a specified filetype and stores in memory, passes to into wand and applies filter, stores filtered image as specified filetype again in memory, which is then decompressed back into 3-channel image :param input_obj: entity to be transformed :param random_state_obj: object to hold random state and enable reproducibility :return:new entity with transform applied """ data = input_obj.get_data() original_n_chan = data.shape[2] rgb_data, alpha_ch = normalization_to_rgb(data, self.pre_normalize, self.__repr__()) logger.debug("%s is treating input as %s!" % (self.__repr__(), self.channel_order)) if self.channel_order == 'RGB': rgb_data = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_data, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) form = '.bmp' success, buffer = cv2.imencode(form, rgb_data) # faster than numpy tobytes method input_stream = BytesIO(buffer) with wand.image.Image(blob=input_stream.getvalue()) as wand_image: filtered_wand_image = self.filter(wand_image) output_stream = BytesIO() rgb_filtered_data = cv2.imdecode(np.frombuffer(output_stream.getbuffer(), np.uint8), 1) if self.channel_order == 'RGB': rgb_filtered_data = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_filtered_data, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) filtered_data = normalization_from_rgb(rgb_filtered_data, alpha_ch, self.post_normalize, original_n_chan, self.__repr__()) return GenericImageEntity(filtered_data, input_obj.get_mask())
def _colortone(self, image: wand.image.Image, color: str, dst_percent: int, invert: bool) -> None: """ tones either white or black values in image to the provided color, intensity of toning depends on dst_percent :param image: provided image :param color: color to tone image :param dst_percent: percentage of image pixel value to include when blending with provided color, 0 is unchanged, 100 is completely colored in :param invert: if True blacks are modified, if False whites are modified :return: """ mask_src = image.clone() mask_src.colorspace = 'gray' if invert: mask_src.negate() mask_src.alpha_channel = 'copy' src = image.clone() src.colorize(wand.color.Color(color), wand.color.Color('#FFFFFF')) src.composite_channel('alpha', mask_src, 'copy_alpha') image.composite_channel('default_channels', src, 'blend', arguments=str(dst_percent) + "," + str(100 - dst_percent)) def _vignette(self, image: wand.image.Image, color_1: str = 'none', color_2: str = 'black', crop_factor: float = 1.5) -> None: """ applies fading from color_1 to color_2 in radial gradient pattern on given image :param image: provided image :param color_1: center color :param color_2: edge color :param crop_factor: size of radial gradient pattern, which is then cropped and combined with image, larger values include more of color_1, smaller values include more of color_2 :return: None """ crop_x = math.floor(image.width * crop_factor) crop_y = math.floor(image.height * crop_factor) src = wand.image.Image() src.pseudo(width=crop_x, height=crop_y, pseudo='radial-gradient:' + color_1 + '-' + color_2) src.crop(0, 0, width=image.width, height=image.height, gravity='center') src.reset_coords() image.composite_channel('default_channels', src, 'multiply') image.merge_layers('flatten')
[docs]class GothamFilterXForm(FilterXForm): """ Class implementing Instagram's Gotham filter """
[docs] def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image: """ modified from :param image: provided image :return: new filtered image """ filtered_image = image.clone() filtered_image.modulate(120, 10, 100) filtered_image.colorize(wand.color.Color('#222b6d'), wand.color.Color('#333333')) filtered_image.gamma(.9) filtered_image.sigmoidal_contrast(True, 3, .5 * filtered_image.quantum_range) filtered_image.sigmoidal_contrast(True, 3, .5 * filtered_image.quantum_range) return filtered_image
[docs]class NashvilleFilterXForm(FilterXForm): """ Class implementing Instagram's Nashville filter """
[docs] def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image: """ modified from :param image: :return: new filtered image """ filtered_image = image.clone() self._colortone(filtered_image, '#222b6d', 50, True) self._colortone(filtered_image, '#f7daae', 50, False) filtered_image.sigmoidal_contrast(True, 3, .5 * filtered_image.quantum_range) filtered_image.modulate(100, 150, 100) filtered_image.auto_gamma() return filtered_image
[docs]class KelvinFilterXForm(FilterXForm): """ Class implementing Instagram's Kelvin filter """
[docs] def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image: """ modified from :param image: provided image :return: new filtered image """ filtered_image = image.clone() filtered_image.auto_gamma() filtered_image.modulate(120, 50, 100) with wand.drawing.Drawing() as draw: draw.fill_color = '#FF9900' draw.fill_opacity = 0.2 draw.rectangle(left=0, top=0, width=filtered_image.width, height=filtered_image.height) draw(filtered_image) return filtered_image
[docs]class LomoFilterXForm(FilterXForm): """ Class implementing Instagram's Lomo filter """
[docs] def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image: """ modified from :param image: provided image :return: new filtered image """ filtered_image = image.clone() filtered_image.level(.5, channel="R") filtered_image.level(.5, channel="G") self._vignette(filtered_image) return filtered_image
[docs]class ToasterXForm(FilterXForm): """ Class implementing Instagram's Toaster filter """
[docs] def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image: """ modified from :param image: provided image :return: new filtered image """ filtered_image = image.clone() self._colortone(filtered_image, '#330000', 50, True) filtered_image.modulate(150, 80, 100) filtered_image.gamma(1.2) filtered_image.sigmoidal_contrast(True, 3, .5 * filtered_image.quantum_range) filtered_image.sigmoidal_contrast(True, 3, .5 * filtered_image.quantum_range) self._vignette(filtered_image, 'none', 'LavenderBlush3') self._vignette(filtered_image, '#ff9966', 'none') return filtered_image
[docs]class NoOpFilterXForm(FilterXForm): """ No operation Transform for testing purposes """
[docs] def filter(self, image: wand.image.Image) -> wand.image.Image: return image