Source code for trojai.datagen.image_conversion_utils

import cv2
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple, Optional

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Contains general utilities for dealing with channel formats

[docs]def gray_to_rgb(img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert given grayscale image to RGB :param img: 1-channel grayscale image :return: image converted to RGB """ if not (len(img.shape) == 2 or (len(img.shape) == 3 and img.shape[2] == 1)): raise TypeError("input image must be in either shape (rows, cols) or (rows, cols, 1)!") return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
[docs]def rgba_to_rgb(img: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ Split given 4-channel RGBA array into a 3-channel RGB array and a 1-channel alpha array :param img: given image to split, must be 3-channel or 4-channel :return: the first three channels of data as a 3-channel RGB image and the fourth channel of img as either a 1-channel alpha array, or None if img has only 3 channels """ if len(img.shape) != 3: raise TypeError('Input image must be in shape (rows, cols, channels)!') if img.shape[2] == 3: return img, None elif img.shape[2] == 4: r_ch, g_ch, b_ch, alpha_ch = cv2.split(img) return cv2.merge((r_ch, g_ch, b_ch)), alpha_ch else: raise TypeError("rgba_to_rgb expects a 3-channel or 4-channel input image," "%d-channel input image was detected!" % img.shape[2])
[docs]def rgb_to_rgba(img, alpha_ch: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts given image to RGBA, with optionally provided alpha_ch as its alpha channel :param img: 3-channel RGB image or 4-channel RGBA image :param alpha_ch: 1-channel array to be used as alpha value (optional), if img is RGBA this value is ignored :return: if img is 4-channel it is returned unmodified, if img is 3-channel this will return a new RGBA image with img as its RGB channels and either alpha_ch as its alpha channel if provided or a fully opaque alpha channel (max value for its datatype) """ if len(img.shape) != 3: raise TypeError('Input image must be in shape (rows, cols, channels)!') if img.shape[2] == 3: if alpha_ch is None: return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2RGBA) else: if len(alpha_ch.shape) == 2: return cv2.merge((img, alpha_ch)) else: raise TypeError("input alpha channel to be must in shape (rows, cols)!") elif img.shape[2] == 4: return img else: raise TypeError("rgb_to_rgba expects a 3-channel or 4-channel input image, " "%d-channel input image was detected!" % img.shape[2])
[docs]def normalization_to_rgb(img: np.ndarray, normalize: bool, name: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ Guard for input to RGB only xforms :param img: input image with variable number of channels :param normalize: whether to attempt to convert img from original channel format to 3-channel RGB :param name: name of calling xform :return: a 3-channel RGB array converted from img, additional conversions can be added below, currently only RGBA to RGB is implemented """ if len(img.shape) != 3: raise TypeError('Input image must be in shape (rows, cols, channels)!') original_n_chan = img.shape[2] if original_n_chan == 3: return img, None if normalize: if original_n_chan == 4: return rgba_to_rgb(img) else: raise TypeError("No conversion for %d-channel to 3-channel images is implemented!" % original_n_chan) else: raise TypeError("%s is an RGB-only transform, %d-channel input was detected!" % (name, original_n_chan,))
[docs]def normalization_from_rgb(rgb_img: np.ndarray, alpha_ch: Optional[np.ndarray], normalize: bool, original_n_chan: int, name: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Guard for output from rgb-only xforms :param rgb_img: 3-channel RGB image result from calling xform :param alpha_ch: alpha channel extracted at beginning of calling xform or None :param normalize: whether to convert rgb_img back to its original channel format :param original_n_chan: number of channels in its original channel format :param name: name of calling xform :return: if normalize is True the image corresponding to rgb_img converted to its original channel format, otherwise rgb_img unmodified, additional conversions can be added below, currently only RGB to RGBA is implemented """ if len(rgb_img.shape) != 3: raise TypeError('Input image must be in shape (rows, cols, channels)!') if rgb_img.shape[2] != 3: raise TypeError("Input image must be in 3-channel format!") if original_n_chan == 3: return rgb_img if normalize: if original_n_chan == 4: return rgb_to_rgba(rgb_img, alpha_ch) else: raise TypeError("No conversion for 3-channel to %d-channel images is implemented!" % original_n_chan) else: logger.warning("%s is converting %d-channel images to RGB images!" % (name, original_n_chan,)) return rgb_img